Windows 7 tricks: how to create a WiFi access point

Published on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 in , , , , , , , ,

Wireless is the technology that in recent years is having a diffusion unthinkable. Any new device (which is a mobile phone, smartphone, laptop, PC or notebook) to have an internal wireless card that allows wireless connection.
Yet the spread of this type of connection is not yet complete, many computers are connected with Ethernet cables, just think of the corporate desktop networks or computers connected directly to a modem. Lately we are also witnessing the spread of UMTS keys that allow you to bring the internet with you wherever you are, or smartphones such as the ' iPhone that can connect using 3G or Edge networks.
So what to do if we want to share the Internet connection of a device? Here are some methods.

How to create a Wireless Hot Spots on Windows 7

Windows 7 to create a wifi access point is a breeze.

Method 1

Suffice it to open the command prompt (with administrator privileges) and type:
netsh wlan September hostednetwork mode = allow ssid = test key = TestProv
Control Panel>> Network and Internet -> Network and Sharing Center-> Edit Settings tab -> Sharing
(Make sure that the service "Automatic Configuration WLAN" is running).

Method 2

Alternatively, and much more simply just use a free program Connectify . Just download it ( click here) and in a few moments you will have created your wireless access point.

Method 3

Similar to method 1, for example, if you are connected with a USB UMTS (or any other connection) will simply change the "Sharing" tab in the properties of the connection.
Control Panel -> Network and Internet -> Network Connections -> Properties -> Sharing -> Share network connection
You then create a new wireless connection, or our new access point:
Manage Wireless Network -> Add
That's it, just follow the wizard by choosing the name, and password protection of the new access point.

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